NECCMD.DO library file used with SuperROM Key character looks like a little house with a plus sign in the middle. It is made on the Model T with the GRPH & h keys. It’s ascii value is 134. It is shown below as a small cross. On the Model T, the typed characters ^[ represent the escape character. It is shown below as a small box. It’s real ascii value should be 27. †U1:&d0D† Underlining ON †U0:&d@† Underlining OFF †B1:(s3B† Bold ON †B0:(s0B† Bold OFF †I1:(s1S† Italics ON †I0:(s0S† Italics OFF †T10p:(8U(s1p10v0s0b5T† 10 pt prop †T12p:(8U(s1p12v0s0b5T† 12 pt prop †T20p:(8U(s1p20v0s0b5T† 20 pt prop †T40p:(8U(s1p40v0s0b5T† 40 pt prop †Tstd:(10U(s0p12h10v0s0b3T† 10pt, PC-8 †asc:(8U(s0p12h10v0s0b5T† 10pt, Roman-8 †L:&l1O† landscape †P:&l0O† portrait filename = NECCMD.DO This is a file of LJIII printer commands set to be activated as a Library File under SuperROM.